Men Hair Loss Treatment

Offices in Tampa, FL and Beverly Hills, CA.

Hair Loss in Men

Male hair loss occurs when hairs sensitive to a hormone called DHT (dihydrotestosterone), which is converted from testosterone, begin to undergo thinning. Unfortunately, the hairs then progressively become smaller and shorter. This process of hair loss is referred to as miniaturization- thick terminal hairs of youth are slowly transformed into thinner “vellus” hairs, which subsequently are lost. The Norwood Hair Loss classification system is used to describe distinct patterns of male hair loss. There are two primary ways of treating male hair loss: non-surgical and surgical. There are benefits to each and more often than not we combine the two.

Hair Transplant Before and After Photo by Dr. Demetri in Beverly Hills California

Non-Surgical Options

With advanced technology, there are many ways to improve male hair loss non-surgically. The two most common medications include oral finasteride (aka Propecia) and topical minoxidil (aka Rogaine). When taken together, these medications work synergistically for an even stronger response. Since a small percentage of men experience sexual side effects from finasteride, we also offer this medication in a topical form. This helps you avoid any potential system side effects.

Other common non-surgical options for hair loss include:

  • Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) injections – can be performed once a year to 3-4 times a year depending on the rate of the hair loss
  • Low-Level Laser Therapy – wearing a laser cap several times a week for 20 to 30 minutes each time can significantly improve and slow down hair loss.

Surgical Options

When areas of the scalp have become bald or significantly less dense, then likely it is time to consider hair transplant surgery. Medical therapy alone likely will be insufficient. During your consultation, Dr. Demetri will evaluate your scalp and decide if you are a good candidate for the procedure.

There are many ways to perform hair transplant surgery. Our preferred method is the “scarless” follicular unit extraction technique, aka FUE hair transplant. We utilize the Neograft harvesting system whereby individual hair follicles are harvested from the back of the head. With FUE, patients can shave their entire head in the future without worrying about any linear donor site scar. After harvesting, the transplanted hairs are then placed into precise recipient sites at the hairline or crown for optimal hair growth.

How Soon Should You Begin Treating Male Hair Loss?

The easiest way to detect the early signs of male hair loss is by observing the amount of your hair fall. Losing 50 to 100 strands of hair in a day is considered normal. If you notice that you are losing hair in clumps, it is a good idea to visit Dr. Demetri and get a professional diagnosis.

Understanding the cause of your hair loss is a vital step in treatment. Losing hair can indicate an underlying disease that you may need to treat first. It can also be a side effect of a certain medication you are taking.

While hair loss is also a possible effect of stress, losing hair can be stressful as well. To make sure you are not overlooking anything serious and to preserve your healthy hair, it is highly recommended to consult with a medical professional.

How Is Male Hair Loss Diagnosed?

During your consultation with Dr. Demetri, he will examine your scalp and assess your current hair condition. He will also ask about your complete medical history, diet, and hair care routine.

Dr. Demetri may also perform the following tests if necessary:

  • Blood test – To identify if a medical condition is causing your hair loss
  • Pull test – To assess how many strands of hair will come out
  • Scalp biopsy – To check if an infection is causing the hair loss
  • Light microscopy – To analyze whether your hair follicles have a medical disorder

Your Male Hair Loss Treatment Plan

There are different types and levels of hair loss for men. During the consultation, Dr. Demetri will ask you about your complete medical history. This will aid in diagnosing potential causes and can also confirm your eligibility for various treatment options.

After Dr. Demetri has ascertained the cause of your hair loss, he will create your personalized treatment plan to help you begin your hair-restoration journey. Questions are highly encouraged at any time.

Contact Our Office

Contact Dr. Demetri for more information, or to schedule your consultation.

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Meet Dr. Demetri


Dr. Demetri is a renowned, double board-certified facial plastic surgeon who specializes in both hair restoration and facial rejuvenation. He is an active member of the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery for which he frequently travels to attend national conferences to perpetually advance his education and present his surgical techniques. To date, he has authored over 30 peer-reviewed publications and book chapters.

Smiling male with great hair

Book A Consultation

Dr. Demetri is a bi-coastal plastic surgeon with offices in Tampa, FL and Beverly Hills, CA.