Hair Transplant

Offices in Tampa, FL and Beverly Hills, CA.

Imagine a Restored Hair Line with No Linear Scar

A Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) hair transplant in Tampa and Beverly Hills involves moving existing healthy follicles to an area on your scalp with thinning or no hair. It works by creating a hairline that feels and looks natural.

While there are several treatment options for thinning hair or baldness, hair-restoration surgery is the most effective treatment option. Though other non-surgical hair-restoration options may be less expensive, Follicular Unit Extraction hair-transplant surgery offers a natural-looking solution for baldness.

Hair Transplant Before and After Photo by Dr. Demetri in Beverly Hills California

How Does Hair Loss Work?

Hair grows from follicles, the most significant part of which is called the dermal papilla. Each follicular unit consists of 1-4 hair strands and is nourished by the scalp’s blood supply.

Our hair grows in 3 distinct stages. The first is the Anagen Phase during which there is active hair growth. The second stage is a transitional period and is called the Catagen Phase. The final phase is called the Telogen Phase and consist of a resting period for the follicles.

As we age, the growth phase becomes shorter, and the resting phase gets longer. Eventually the follicle will shrink and produces a shorter, finer hair called the vellus hair. As the condition progresses, the hair will eventually stop growing, leading to baldness.

Ideal Hair-Transplant Candidates

A NeoGraft hair transplant is best for individuals with sufficient hair loss, a healthy scalp, and enough donor-area hair. Candidates must be in good general health and should have realistic expectations regarding the procedure’s results.

Hair transplants are not recommended for people who are under age 24, have had no hair since birth, suffer from blood-borne illnesses, have serious health complications, have hemophilia, or have allergic reactions to local or general anesthesia.

Your NeoGraft Hair-Transplant Consultation

The consultation involves assessing your hair growth and loss, evaluating your family history of baldness, and discussing any past hair-regrowth attempts. Dr. Demetri will also ask about your goals and expectations.

For your safety, Dr. Demetri will ask you about all pre-existing medical conditions and your use of drugs or alcohol. If you are a suitable candidate, he will explain the procedure, preparation steps, recovery, and cost.

The Procedure

During hair-transplant surgery, a local anesthetic is first applied to the donor areas in order to prevent any pain.

Dr. Demetri then uses the NeoGraft technology to harvest follicular units from the donor area, usually at the back of the head. This process involves air-pressure-based removal of the donor follicles.

Finally, we manually transplant the grafts to the recipient area at the right angle, direction, and orientation.

The Recovery Process

You may have red marks on your scalp for a few days after the surgery. These will scab over and slowly fade. It may take six to ten days before you’re feeling ready to resume your regular routine.

The grafted hair will shed in two to three weeks as part of the normal hair-regrowth process. You will see new hair growing three to four months after the surgery. This growth will continue like normal hair growth.

The Cost of a Hair Transplant

The price of a NeoGraft hair transplant depends on the size of the target area and how many grafts are needed. You will learn more about the cost of a hair transplant during the consultation.

FAQ Section

1. What are the Different Types of Hair Transplant Techniques?

There are two primary hair transplant techniques: Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). 

FUT involves removing a strip of skin from the donor area (typically the back of the head), dissecting it into individual follicular units, and transplanting them to the recipient area. 

FUE, on the other hand, involves extracting individual hair follicles directly from the donor area using a small punch tool. Both techniques aim to achieve natural-looking results, but they differ in their approach to harvesting and transplantation.

Benefits of FUT

  • Efficient for large transplant sessions.
  • Generally yields a higher graft survival rate.

Benefits of FUE

  • Leaves minimal linear scarring.
  • Suitable for patients who prefer short hairstyles.
2. Are There Risks or Side Effects Associated with Hair Transplant Surgery?

Like any surgical procedure, hair transplant surgery carries some risks and potential side effects. These may include infection, bleeding, scarring, and the possibility of an unnatural appearance if not performed by skilled professionals. 

However, under the guidance of a skilled and experienced surgeon, these risks are significantly reduced. Postoperative care instructions are crucial to reduce the likelihood of complications.

3. How Long Before I See Results from a Hair Transplant?

Hair transplant results vary, but patients typically start to see new hair growth within three to six months. Initially, transplanted hair may shed, but this is a normal part of the process. By the one-year mark, most patients experience significant improvement, with full results often visible after 12 to 18 months.

4. Can Hair Transplant Surgery Leave Scars?

FUT can leave a linear scar at the donor site, which is typically easily concealable with longer hair. FUE, however, leaves tiny, dot-like scars scattered across the donor area, making them less noticeable, even with short haircuts.

5. How Permanent are Hair Transplant Results?

Hair transplant results are generally considered permanent. The transplanted hair behaves like natural hair and is resistant to the effects of pattern baldness. However, the long-term success may depend on factors such as the surgeon’s skill, postoperative care, and the patient’s overall health.

6. Will I Need Additional Hair Transplant Procedures in the Future?

In some cases, patients may choose additional procedures to address ongoing hair loss, especially if they have a predisposition to balding. A comprehensive consultation with your surgeon will help determine the best long-term plan for your unique situation.

7. What Should I Expect During the Consultation for a Hair Transplant?

During the consultation, the surgeon will examine your scalp, discuss your goals, and assess your candidacy for the procedure. They will provide information on the chosen technique, expected results, and potential risks.

A personalized treatment plan, considering factors such as the best hair transplant Tampa has to offer, will be outlined based on your specific needs and expectations.

Contact Our Office

Dr. Demetri is a highly-skilled, board-certified hair transplant and facial plastic surgeon who is dedicated to helping his patients look their best and restore their confidence through innovative surgical procedures. If you’re interested in learning more about NeoGraft, contact our office to schedule your consultation before getting a hair transplant in Tampa and Beverly Hills.

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Meet Dr. Demetri


Dr. Demetri is a renowned, double board-certified facial plastic surgeon who specializes in both hair restoration and facial rejuvenation. He is an active member of the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery for which he frequently travels to attend national conferences to perpetually advance his education and present his surgical techniques. To date, he has authored over 30 peer-reviewed publications and book chapters.

Smiling male with great hair

Book A Consultation

Dr. Demetri is a bi-coastal plastic surgeon with offices in Tampa, FL and Beverly Hills, CA.